新关注 > 信息聚合 > 里皮:所有球员看起来双腿沉重 足球要按规律办事

里皮:所有球员看起来双腿沉重 足球要按规律办事

Lippi: all players seem to have heavy legs.

2017-01-11 03:44:33来源: 华体网

今晚,国足在中国杯首场比赛中0-2输给了冰岛,赛后,国足主帅里皮在接受采访时表示,2个月没踢比赛让球员双腿很沉,现在没办法让没有完成体能储备的球员拿出比赛状态,足球需要按规律办事。 对于本场比赛...

After 0-2 defeat to Iceland in the first match of the China Cup tonight, national football manager Lippi said in an interview that the 2 months did not play the players' legs, and it is not possible to make players who have not finished the physical reserve. For this game...