新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水果电商微信卖原始股 5年兑现你敢玩吗

水果电商微信卖原始股 5年兑现你敢玩吗

Fruit electric Micro message to sell the original shares 5 years cash you dare to play it

2015-01-15 09:02:56来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】在朋友圈玩众筹已经算不上什么新鲜事了,日前,亿邦动力网获悉,水果微商“买果果”的创始人刘平,在朋友圈发起了一场用100元换购买果果股权的活动。 1月9日晚,刘平在其朋友圈发布消息,...

[] in the US state power network circle of friends to play all the chips have not what happens, a few days ago, US state power network was informed that, fruit derivative "Liu Ping founder buy fruit", in the circle of friends launched a with 100 yuan for the purchase of equity activity fruit. The evening of January 9th, Liu Ping announced in the circle of friends,...

标签: 电商