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学习时代楷模 争做优秀幼师

Learning time model Be a good preschool teacher

2016-05-09 20:05:10来源: 大河网

本报讯(记者 松召峰 通讯员 杨丽洁) 近日,许昌第二实验幼儿园按照《 “学习时代楷模燕振昌”系列活动实施方案》,在该园多功能厅举行了“学习燕振昌,做有尊严的幼儿老师”师德演讲比赛。通过学楷模、找差...

Report from our correspondent (reporter correspondent called peak Yang Lijie) recently, xuchang second experimental kindergarten according to "age" learning model YanZhenChang "series of activities implementation plan", held in grey and multi-function hall "learning YanZhenChang, do have dignity of preschool teachers' ethics speech contest. Through the learning model, to find...