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Apple Music付费用户突破1100万

Apple Music paying subscribers exceeded 11 million

2016-02-16 21:55:22来源: 亿邦动力网

TechWeb报道2月14日消息,据国外媒体报道,苹果高级副总裁Eddy Cue和Craig Federighi日前参加美国一档脱口秀节目,谈及了苹果公司的产品、服务的一些最新进展。他们表示,Apple Music的付费用户已经突破1100万。 Eddy Cue称,苹果音乐服务Appl...

TechWeb reported Feb. 14, according to foreign media reports, Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Apple's Craig Federighi and before the United States to participate in a talk show, talks about Apple products, some of the latest developments and services. They said, Apple Music paying users has exceeded 11 million. Said Eddy Cue, Apple's music service Appl ...

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