新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳台芭比登陆昆仑决38 泰拳女神化身最强硬女王

拳台芭比登陆昆仑决38 泰拳女神化身最强硬女王

Bobbi arrived in Kunlun, the 38 most important queen of Thai boxing.

2016-02-17 14:15:52来源: 搜狐

拳台芭比 2016年2月21日,昆仑决38回到泰国芭堤雅,这个两年前梦想开始的地方。这一次昆仑决带来的不仅有“诸神之战”A、B两组的四人淘汰赛,更邀请了“泰拳最美女神”25岁的“拳台芭比”伊卡翠...

Bobbi, Kunlun, returned to Pattaya, Thailand in February 21, 2016, 38 years ago. This time Kunlun will not only bring the four - person elimination match of the "war of gods" A, B two groups, but also invites "the most beautiful goddess of Thai Boxing" 25 year old "fist Bobbi" icari...