新关注 > 信息聚合 > 勇士第四战将变首发? 小个阵容方能克制骑士

勇士第四战将变首发? 小个阵容方能克制骑士

The warriors game 4 will start? 2 can restrain knight

2016-06-10 05:22:26来源: 华体网

6月10日 (文/Ethan Sherwood Strauss ESPN撰稿人) 勇士第三战以30分惨败,这也迫使球队在第四战做出一些针对性的调整,调整首发阵容势在必行。 勇士第四战需变阵 勇...

On June 10 (text/Ethan Sherwood Strauss ESPN writers) warrior with 30 points in the third loss, it also forced the team to make some corresponding adjustment in game 4, adjust the lineup is imperative. The warriors game 4 changed shape need to be brave...