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《黎明杀机》开发商新作公布 封闭测试申请现已开放

"Some developers" new announced closed test application is now open.

2018-03-30 12:25:05来源: 游戏时光

《黎明杀机》的开发商 Behaviour Interactive 在近日公布了他们的新作《死亡花园》(Deathgarden)。《黎明杀机》曾掀起过一股直播热潮,这次的《死亡花园》又会为我们带来什么样的惊喜呢?目前,我们只知道《死亡花园》应该是一款 5v1 的射击游戏,官方还没有公布具体玩法和其他更多细节。此外,本作还将在4月5日~4月8日举办的 PAX East 2018 上提供试玩,届时我们就能了解更多游戏的相关细节了。值得一提的是,如果你对该作感兴趣,还可以前往《死亡花园》官网申请 PC 端的封闭测试资格。来源:Gematsu

"Some developers"   Behaviour Interactive announced their new "death" (Deathgarden) recently in the garden. "The living daylights" has set off an upsurge of the "live and death garden" will bring us what kind of surprise? At the moment, we only know that the "death garden" should be a 5v1 shooting game, and the authorities have not published specific gameplay and other details. In addition, the work will also be played on the &nbsp, PAX East 2018, held on 8 ~4 April 5th, and we will be able to learn more about the details of the game. It is worth mentioning that if you are interested in the work, you can also go to the "death garden" website to apply for a closed test qualification at the PC side. Source: Gematsu