新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气页游舰娘Collection登陆PSV 明年春发行

人气页游舰娘Collection登陆PSV 明年春发行

The popularity of Webpage Game ship Niang Collection landing PSV spring next year, issued by the Japanese

2014-12-28 23:20:03来源: 17173

由日本角川书店与DMM合作推出的舰队养成页游《舰娘Collection》自2013年推出后凭借多样化的舰娘立绘和强大的声优阵容,迅速成日本的二次元四大势力之一(编注:V家、东方、LL大法和舰娘),并赢得了大量忠实玩家。官方日前宣布:游戏将于2015年春季登陆索尼PS Vita掌机平台,目...

Kadokawa cooperation with DMM to develop Webpage Game ship fleet "mother Collection" since its launch in 2013 with a diverse ship mother Li painting and powerful seiyuu lineup, rapidly into one of the four major forces in Japan in the two dimension (editor's note: the V home LL law, Oriental, and ship mother), and won a large number of faithful game player. Officials recently announced: the game will be landing Sony PS Vita handheld platform in the spring of 2015, orders...

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