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底层电竞人:战队老板消失 自己沦为游戏代练

E-sports: the underlying team boss disappear into his own game whereas

2016-09-27 05:19:49来源: 新浪

这天晚上,罗小波(化名)又梦见了死去的父亲对他大喊:“儿子争口气啊,好好上学,不要去网吧打游戏了。” 还未来得及回答,梦就惊醒了。他一摸脸上,满脸泪水。后来罗小波自己分析,这个梦的隐喻,一是自己单身、无房,对人生未来充满迷茫与悲观,二是虽然父亲因病已去世几年,但对父亲的愧疚后悔之情从...

On this night, Luo Xiaobo (a pseudonym) and dreaming about the dead father shouted to him: "struggle for son ah, a good school, don't go to Internet cafes to play games." Haven't had time to answer, the dream is to wake. He touched the face, a full face of tears. Luo Xiaobo himself later analysis, the dream of metaphor, one is single, no room, pessimistic about the future life is full of confusion and, second, although the father had died due to illness for years, but the father's guilt regret of love from...

标签: 游戏 电竞