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触达近2.1亿用户 《野蛮人大作战》的春节档营销选择了双管齐下

The spring festival marketing of nearly 210 million users, "the barbarian campaign", has chosen two lines

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

电魂网络的io游戏《野蛮人大作战》自上线以来一直是同类型游戏中的品质领先的产品,作为一款主打社交的轻竞技游戏,游戏也抓住了春节档前后这个绝佳的曝光窗口,从线上线下两个方面进行了全面的广告营销,旨在从不同的受众群体面和层次中挖掘新生用户,并且收到了立竿见影的成效,电视+网络+地铁+公交多个平台的总用户曝光量达到了近2.1亿。 线上:春节黄金档广告与苹果推荐 在春节期间,《野蛮人大作战》加大了自己的投放力度,在湖南卫视的《华人春晚》与《快乐大本营》中均进行了以社交对战为主题的的广告宣传,在短短15秒的广告中,将游戏容易“聚集好友”和“上手快”的特点做了很好的突出。而这两个最高收视人次分别突破...

Electric Soul Network IO game "savage combat" is always the same type of NPC in the game leading quality products since launch, as one of the main social light sports games, the game also captures the exposure window this wonderful new year stalls before and after, from the line of two in a comprehensive advertising and marketing aimed at mining new users from different audience and decent levels, and received immediate results, the total user TV + Network + + Metro bus multiple platform exposure to nearly 210 million. Online: prime time advertising and apple recommended in the Spring Festival during the Spring Festival, the National People's Congress "savage combat" to increase their efforts to put on the Hunan TV "Chinese Spring Festival" and "happy camp" in both the social war as the theme of the advertising, in just 15 seconds of advertising, the game is easy "gather friends" and "quick" features to do a very good outstanding. And these two highest viewing people break through...