新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF手游新版最热门武器风之子实力分析


CF hand tour of the most popular weapon of the son of the wind strength analysis

2016-04-29 02:59:22来源: TechWeb

CF手游风之子,堪称武器大师新版最热门武器,这把稀有合金结合先进科技打造的究极猎弓,巨大的张力弹射出的弓箭如飓风般射穿敌人!可搭配多种箭头产生特殊效果。下面就是小编带来的CF手游风之子属性详细评测! 一、基础属性: 推荐指数:★★★★ 伤害指数:★★★★ 稀有指数:★★★★★ ...

CF Mobile Games Zonda, called the most popular version of the weapons master weapons, the rare alloy combined with advanced technology to create the ultimate bow, great tension bow as Hurricane ejection penetrated enemy! Can produce special effects of various collocation arrow. Evaluation of CF Mobile Games Zonda attribute in detail here is the small series brings! One, basic attributes: recommended index: assumes damage index: assumes rare index: assumes...

标签: CF 手游