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LOL周免英雄更新 S6新天赋加点攻略

LOL week hero free update S6 new talent with the strategy

2015-11-26 11:46:49来源: 科技讯

【科技讯】11月26日消息,本次《英雄联盟》周免的英雄的更新引入了本年度最佳阵容的五个英雄,可以说体现了现阶段最强的实力,同时,很多英雄重做之后也登上周免舞台,今天和小编一起看看周免的几个英雄符文天赋怎么加吧。 什么是每周免费英雄呢?新玩家们会发现就算你没有买英雄,在游戏中也有13个...

On November 26, news, science and technology news 】 【 the "hero alliance" weeks from hero to update the introduction of this year's best lineup five hero, can reflect the most current strength, at the same time, many heroes after redo last week from the stage, today small make up together and see several weeks from hero rune talent how to add. What is a weekly free hero? New players will find that even if you don't have to buy a hero, there are 13 in the game...

标签: LOL