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机战王手游新手玩家问答 玩家指引

King of Robo hand tour novice players ask players guide

2015-11-01 11:36:57来源: 4399

机战王是一款机甲战斗题材的角色扮演手机游戏,对于刚接触游戏的新手来说可能需要一点小小的帮助,接下来小编为大家带来新手FAQ问答一览。 1.机战王手游是网游吗? 不是,机战王手游是一款单机游戏。 2.玩游戏的时候需要联网吗? 游戏的基本功能不需要联网,但每日奖励和商城功能需要联网。...

Jizhan Weike Wang paragraph battlemechs theme role play mobile phone games, for the novice just contact game may need a little help, then Xiaobian for everyone to bring new FAQ list of questions and answers. 1 and the king hand tour is not online?, and the king hand tour is a stand-alone game. 2 time to play the game need to do the basic functions of the game does not need to be connected to the Internet, but the daily reward and mall functions need to be networked. ...

标签: 手游 玩家