新关注 > 信息聚合 > [快讯] 上海市高校电竞大赛秋季赛 10月火热开战

[快讯] 上海市高校电竞大赛秋季赛 10月火热开战

[news] Shanghai University gaming competition in the fall race hot October war

2015-09-29 02:36:39来源: 锐派游戏

狭路相逢勇者胜,各路豪强准备战斗吧!高昂的斗志已被点燃,征战的热血正在燃烧,狂放不羁的我只为寻找你的足迹。 漫长的等待,终于迎来了上海市电子竞技高校(秋季)大赛,小伙伴们经历了上次的春季大赛的失利,体会到了比赛的艰辛,品尝了比赛中的酸甜,对高校秋季大赛是不是已经迫不及待了呢?上海市电...

xialuxiangfeng the brave wins, the brightest tyrannical ready to fight! High morale has been ignited, burning in the blood, uninhibited me only to find your footprints. The long wait, finally ushered in the Shanghai electronic athletics college (Autumn) competition, small partners the experience of the last, the spring competition defeat, to experience the game hard, taste the match in the sweet and sour, the autumn competition is not can't wait? Shanghai city...

标签: 电竞