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倒计时进行 《关云长》手游登陆APP还有2天

Countdown is "Kuan" tour visit app and 2 days

2015-09-15 13:55:12来源: 不凡游戏网

9月17日,真三国手游无双之作《关云长》将正式登陆App Store,届时,玩家即可通过iPhone、iPad下载游戏。更大的三国世界、章回式的小说情节、竞技场实时对战自由PK,全新的掌上三国开启在即! 《关云长》手游作为三国题材的动作类游戏,对三国武将的还原是重中之重。那些耳熟能详的...

9 month, real Three Kingdoms tour warriors as "Kuan" will officially visit the app store and then, players can through the iPhone, iPad download games. Larger plot of the three countries in the world, Zhanghui style, arena real-time battle free PK, new palm on three open soon! "I" as the theme Mobile Games action game, the reduction of the three generals is the priority among priorities. Those for having heard it many times...

标签: 手游 APP