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外媒:超级马里奥迎来而立之年 已卖3.1亿套游戏

Foreign media: Super Mario usher in 30 have been sold 3.1 million sets of game

2015-09-14 11:21:02来源: 参考消息

核心提示:被誉为“马里奥之父”的游戏设计师宫本奥也来到现场,观看身高与真人相仿的马里奥吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。 参考消息网9月14日报道 外媒称,日本游戏开发商任天堂在东京为旗下最为著名的游戏主人公之一马里奥庆祝30岁生日。 据英国广播公司网站9月14日报道,广受世界各地玩家欢迎的常...

core tip: known as "the father of Mario game designers Miyamoto Okuya came to the scene, the height and real similar Mario blow out to watch the candles on the birthday cake. Reference News Network reported in September 14th, foreign media said, the Japanese game developers Nintendo in Tokyo as the most famous one of the protagonist of the game, Mario celebrated 30 years old birthday. According to the Broadcasting British Corporation website in September 14th reported that the world wide players welcome the common...

标签: 游戏