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《彩虹六号:围攻》发布宣传图 德国特警显雄风

Rainbow Six: Siege publishing propaganda figure Germany SWAT team glory

2015-08-07 01:19:37来源: 逗游网

在科隆展过后,育碧今天发布了《彩虹六号:围攻(Rainbow Six:Siege)》的新宣传图,从这批截图中我们可以看到游戏中德国特警的风采,或许你能从这些图片中感受到特警在游戏中越来越重要的地位了。 本作将以系列作中首次登场的全新设定、领导玩家投入反恐攻坚行动之中、以新型态的突袭方...

after the Cologne exhibition, Ubisoft released today the Rainbow Six: Siege (Rainbow Six:Siege) "new propaganda figure. From this batch of screenshots we can see the elegance of the German police in the game, perhaps you can from these pictures feel SWAT teams in the game more and more important position of the. This work will be a series of new settings for the first time in the series, leading players to put into action against terrorism, the new state of the raid...