新关注 > 信息聚合 > 久游方良:《劲舞团3》以情感人 三季度二测

久游方良:《劲舞团3》以情感人 三季度二测

Long swim the Fang Liang: the audition 3 "to emotional three quarters of the second test

2015-08-04 17:08:05来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 《劲舞团3》首测已于6月30日落幕,CJ期间,久游展台也特意为劲舞团置办了单独的展台,作为久游主打的一款新游,它的首测成绩如何?何时二测?新测又有哪些内容可以体验到?久游网产品副总监方良做客新浪游戏,就大家关注的话题一一作答。 1. 问:《劲舞团3》首测已经结束,请问你如何...

Sina game news" dance mission "first test on June 30 ended. During the CJ, long swim booth also specifically for the audition purchased stand alone, as long swim the flagship of a travelogue, its first test into performance how? When will the two test? What can be experienced in the new survey? Jiuyou product deputy director Fang Liang guest Sina game, is a topic of concern one one. 1 asked: "Dance Mission 3" the first test is over, how do you...