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Special Edition 2015ChinaJoy winger showgirl appreciate Sina

2015-08-03 20:55:07来源: 新浪

2015ChinaJoy结束了,喧嚣归于平静,我们无法忘记的是那些美丽的showgirl们,他们是CJ不可或缺的风景。在千人一面中,也总有那么一些面孔,会被人记住,因为她们的确与众不同。 CJ也是一个孕育梦想的地方,许多showgirl在这里寻找梦想,也实现梦想。边锋展台showgi...

2015ChinaJoy ended, blatant be attributed to calm, we can't forget is the beautiful showgirl who, they are indispensable CJ scenery. In there is also always follow the pattern of the wind, some face, will be remembered, because they are out of the ordinary. CJ is also a place where dreams are born, many showgirl are here to find the dream, but also to achieve the dream. Winger booth showgi...

标签: ChinaJoy