新关注 > 信息聚合 > 细数姜小虎在ChinaJoy的七宗“最”


The breakdown of Jiang Xiaohu in ChinaJoy seven deadly "most"

2015-08-03 17:11:39来源: 漫域联播

为期四天的ChinaJoy在8月2日已经正式落下帷幕。上海的这个夏天因为ChinaJoy的举办变得热闹非凡。从街头巷尾到上海新国际博览中心展馆内外,无不被一个呆萌的动漫形象包围着,人们已经因为它的存在一次又一次刷新对于ChinaJoy固有的认知。 为期四天的ChinaJoy在8月2日已...

for a period of four days of ChinaJoy in August 2, has officially fall next heavy curtain. This summer in Shanghai, because the ChinaJoy is a very lively. From the street to the inside and outside of the Shanghai New International Expo Center Hall, all without exception is surrounded by the cartoon image of a stay Meng, people have because it again and again refresh for ChinaJoy inherent cognition. For a period of four days of ChinaJoy in August 2nd has been...

标签: ChinaJoy