新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《塔塔西游》:萝卜吃多了?试试唐僧肉!


The Tata swims on the west ": Turnip eat too much? Try Tang Xuanzang meat!

2015-07-29 10:26:22来源: 爱拍游戏


recently, Netease, Sheng Xun of game development alone on behalf of the first West Tower Defense hand tour" Tata swims on the west "opens the full open beta. As a classic journey IP derived Mobile Games works, "Tata West" pinpoint the leisure game player needs. Game on the basis of the traditional tower defense gameplay into mild card form, manual ultimate technology elements, with a funny story, fresh picture, cheap adorable characters and sound effects design, allowing the player to experience more rich tower defense strategy in obtaining...