新关注 > 信息聚合 > 口水三国熔炼玩法攻略 熔炼系统介绍

口水三国熔炼玩法攻略 熔炼系统介绍

This paper introduces the

2015-07-29 11:37:33来源: 4399

《口水三国》中提升最快的方式就是获得品质更高的装备和更强力的武将。那么装备和武将怎么来的呢?除了副本掉落、商店抽将,熔炼系统也是一个大规模的出处模块。 熔炼规则: 1、可以熔炼的物品有:武将武魄、武器碎片、坐骑魂魄、盔甲碎片、饰品碎片。 2、熔炼后获得的资源:将魂、器魂、兽魂、甲...

the saliva of the Three Kingdoms "ascension the fastest way is to obtain higher quality equipment and more powerful generals saliva three melting play the Raiders melting system. Then the equipment and generals how come? In addition to a copy of the drop, the store will smoke, melting system is also a large-scale source module. Melting rules: 1, smelting items: Wu generals soul, weapon debris, mounts soul, pieces of armor and accessories debris. 2, after the melting of resources: the soul, the soul of the beast, the beast soul, a...