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魔兽电影相关 奥格瑞姆模型是如何制作的

Warcraft movie related Orgrim model is how to make the

2015-07-22 12:03:21来源: 多玩游戏

今天魔兽电影官方的推特上发布了一组图片,看看在之前结束的SDCC漫展上奥格瑞姆·毁灭之锤的模型是如何制作的吧。 此外,官方还将一把奥格瑞姆的道具刀赠送给了一位国外玩家,而国服玩家则有机会获得莱恩国王的暴风狮鹫盾牌,这些精致的模型届时都会登陆2015年的China joy。

today Warcraft Movie Official twitter released a set of pictures, look at Sdcc diffuse show before the end of the Orgrim, Doomhammer model is how to make it. In addition, the official will also put a Orgrim prop knife as a gift to a foreign player, and national service players have the opportunity to get king Llane storm Griffin shield, the refined model will then landed in 2015 China joy.

标签: 电影