新关注 > 信息聚合 > ESL魔兽3国际邀请赛首日 Grubby落入败者组

ESL魔兽3国际邀请赛首日 Grubby落入败者组

ESL Warcraft 3 International Invitation game on the first day of grubby fall into the group of losers

2015-07-16 16:05:03来源: 新浪

ESL魔兽3国际邀请赛首日战罢 Grubby与Check落入败者组 ESL《魔兽争霸3》上海国际邀请赛已经于上海新国际博览中心W3 展厅正式拉开帷幕,经过7月15日的赛事之后,A组的第一个出线名额已经尘埃落定,而B组则仍在激烈的厮杀之中,A组的败者组与B组的后续比赛,敬请关注7月16...

ESL Warcraft 3 International Invitational race on the first day zhanba grubby and check into the group of losers ESL the Warcraft 3 "Shanghai international invitational tournament has in Shanghai New International Expo Center Hall W3 officially kicked off, after the July 15 events, a group of the first qualifying places has been settled, and subsequent match of group B is still in the fierce fighting, a group of losers in a group and B group, please pay close attention to July 16...