新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙之谷》基因裂变实验室,让梦想照进现实


"Dragon Valley" gene fission laboratory, let the dream shines into reality

2015-07-08 16:20:02来源: 天极网

谷迷玩家代表 身为《龙之谷》玩家的你是否拥有着各种各样的梦想?是成为一位主播为观众带来最精彩的解说播报,还是成为能歌善舞的偶像派展现自己的才华,抑或是发挥自己的动手能力最终拥有自己的工作室?一切梦想皆有可能通过《龙之谷》基因裂变实验室实现,让梦想照进现实。在日前《龙之谷》举办的品牌发...

Valley fans internationally representative body for "Dragon Valley" players if you have a variety of dream? Is to become a host for the audience to bring the best explanation broadcast or to become good at both singing and dancing idol show their talent or play their ability to eventually have their own studio? All dreams are possible through the "Dragon Valley" gene fission laboratory, let the dream into reality. In a few days ago "Dragon Valley" held by the brand hair...

标签: 龙之谷