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上海龙之谷数码—扬帆起航 开辟塔防新纪元

Shanghai Dragon Valley - digital set sail opened tower defense in the new era

2015-06-23 22:14:31来源: 不凡游戏网

近日,上海龙之谷数码科技有限公司(LONGSGOO)研发了一款,以塔防布局为核心的策略类游戏—《草帽军团》。就设计理念而言,《草帽军团》以全新的方式重新定义了塔防游戏的乐趣和玩法, 每一次新的布局都可以让玩家尝鲜,百玩不厌,让不同层次的玩家可以同时领略到塔防游戏的乐趣,势必将引起下一次塔...

recently, Shanghai Dragon Valley Digital Technology Co., Ltd. LONGSGOO developed a, to tower defense layout as the core of the strategy game, the straw hat corps ". On the design concept, the straw hat corps "in new ways redefined the tower defense game fun and play, each a new layout can allow players early adopters, hundred play does not tire, let players of different levels can also appreciate the tower defense game fun, is bound to lead to the next tower...

标签: 龙之谷