新关注 > 信息聚合 > 对马市市长:希望《对马之魂》全体开发者成为对马大使


Mayor of Malaysia: I hope all the developers of "soul of horse" will become ambassadors to Malaysia

2021-03-14 12:35:12来源: 游戏时光

本月初,对马市官方为感谢开发商 Sucker Punch 对当地宣传所做出的巨大贡献,授予了《对马之魂》游戏艺术总监和创意总监“对马大使”荣誉称号,最近就要举办相关的线上典礼。这件事还有后续:近日,对马市市长表示,希望“未来能让所有参与过《对马之魂》开发工作的 Sucker Punch 及 SIE 员工都成为对马大使”。市长还表示,等赴日旅游的限制取消后,他想邀请 Sucker Punch 团队到对马市旅游一次,并希望这次旅游能让他们“更加喜爱对马市”。另外,他还希望《对马之魂》引起的对马热潮能一直持续下去。受《对马之魂》大卖特卖的影响,对马市目前正处于最受人关注的时期。对马市现在正与索尼进行官方联动,旨在吸引玩家前来对马市旅游参观,但由于新冠疫情的影响,相关活动不得不推迟。尽管如此,玩家们的热情依旧十分高涨,

At the beginning of this month, in order to thank the developer sucker punch for his great contribution to local publicity, Yuma city government awarded the honorary title of "ambassador to horse" to the artistic director and creative director of "soul of horse" game. Recently, an online ceremony will be held. There is a follow-up to this: Recently, he told the mayor of Malaysia that he hoped that "in the future, all the staff of sacker punch and Sie who have participated in the development of soul of horse will become ambassadors to Malaysia". The mayor also said that after the restrictions on travel to Japan are lifted, he would like to invite the sucker punch team to visit the city of Malaysia and hope that this trip will make them "love the city of Malaysia more.". In addition, he also hopes that the horse craze caused by "the soul of the horse" will continue. Influenced by the sale of the soul of the horse, the horse market is now in the most concerned period. Ma city is now officially linked with SONY, aiming to attract game player to visit Malaysia City, but due to COVID-19's influence, the related activities have to be postponed. Nevertheless, the enthusiasm of the players is still very high,