新关注 > 信息聚合 > 针对游戏防沉迷,今年“两会”提出了什么?


In view of the game anti addiction, this year's "two sessions" put forward what?

2021-03-11 16:38:23来源: 触乐

2021年3月5日,十三届全国人大四次会议和全国政协十三届四次会议(以下简称“两会”)在北京召开。与往年一样,出席会议的人大代表与政协委员递交了许多与行业发展、人民生活息息相关的议案,其中不乏关注电子游戏领域的内容。 去年“两会”期间,触乐也整理过与游戏行业相关的提案。今年代表们关注的内容和去年一脉相承:必须有效地防止未成年人沉迷游戏,遏制未成年人非理性消费。如果说,去年的提案大多在于提出“防沉迷”的必要性,在经过一年的实践之后,今年的提案更多地集中在如何有效地将这套系统落到实处——他们要求厂商采取更多措施,同时也要求在宏观上搭建统一的监管系统。 ■ 多管齐下全面监督,一个孩子也跑不了 全国政协常委兼副秘书长、民

On March 5, 2021, the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress and the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) were held in Beijing. As in previous years, deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) attended the meeting and submitted many motions closely related to the development of the industry and people's life, among which some focused on the field of video games.

标签: 游戏