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本土手机降价“血拼” 百元机时代要来了?

The local mobile phone price "shopping" 100 yuan machine era to come?

2015-06-13 18:15:07来源: 中国广播网

央广网北京6月13日消息 据经济之声《天下公司》报道,要说手机圈的价格屠夫,小米公司的红米手机可以说是当仁不让。2013年,799元的红米横空出世,将人们的注意力转移到了千元以下的智能机市场,也引起...

CNR network Beijing June 13 news according to voice of the economy of the world "report, said mobile phone rings price butcher, red rice millet mobile phone can be said is undisputed. In 2013, 799 yuan of red rice was born, the people's attention to the smartphone market under 1000 yuan, also caused...