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六一亲子活动 参观消防中队欢度儿童节

61 parent-child activities visit squadron fire to celebrate children's day

2015-06-02 01:42:37来源: 中国广播网

逃生体验 央广网北京6月1日消息“六一”国际儿童节临近,为孩子准备一份即特别又有意义的礼物成为家长们的一桩心头大事。新玩具?新衣服?还是游乐园?这些旧时尚的儿童节礼物仿佛已经不能充分表达年轻父母对宝贝的心意,怎样才能既陪伴在孩子身边,又能在他们的小脑瓜里留下一段难忘且有意义的记忆呢?...

escape experience CNR network Beijing June 1 news "61 International Children's Day is approaching, for the children to a special and meaningful gift to become parents of a pile heart event. New toys? New clothes? Or amusement park? How can you accompany children around, and leave a memorable and meaningful memory in their little skull? The old fashion children's Day gift seem to have been unable to fully express their young parents on the baby's mind? ...