新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大鼓底下堆杂物,有碍观瞻!


The drum under the pile of debris, unsightly!

2015-08-03 22:43:38来源: 中国临海新闻网

昨天,笔者路过市区紫阳街时发现,这条街道141号住宅对面的大鼓下方堆满了杂物,有板凳、旧家具,也有大大小小的木头、斑斑驳驳的三轮车,既影响市民和游客过往,也影响大家近距离欣赏大鼓。 一位住在距离...

yesterday and found when I pass by the city of Ziyang Street, opposite the Street No. 141 residential beneath the drum filled with the debris, bench, old furniture, large and small wood, spot mottled barge tricycle, affecting both the public and the visitors in the past, but also affect your enjoy close drum. A living distance...