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小米5、小米5 Plus配置曝光 高端梦幻之作

Millet 5, millet 5 new high-end mobile phone Plus exposure to the dream

2015-06-20 22:31:58来源: 天极网

小米将要推出的新手机也是备受关注。之前有消息称,小米在准备的两款重磅新机分别是小米5和小米5 Plus。从定位上看,小米5是小米4的升级版,而屏幕更大的跨界终端。 据说小米5屏幕相比小米4有所提...

millet will launch is also of concern. Prior to the news, millet in the preparation of the two models of heavy weight of the new machine is millet 5 and millet 5 Plus. From the perspective of positioning, millet 4 is an upgraded version of millet 5, while the screen is more large cross-border terminal. Millet is said to be 5 compared to millet 4...