新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拜仁柏林赫塔赛后评分:诺伊尔博阿滕最高


Bayern Hertha Berlin after the score: Neuer Boateng highest

2015-04-26 05:41:59来源: 华体网

在本周末的德甲比赛中,拜仁主场1-0战胜柏林赫塔,基本确定了本赛季的德甲冠军。在赛后的《图片报》评分中,拜仁中卫博阿滕以及门将诺伊尔均获得全队最高的2分。 比赛中拜仁攻击线表现平平,诺伊尔扑出关键单刀,小将魏泽尔精彩突破助攻,小猪破门得分。在赛后的《图片报》评分中,诺伊尔以及博阿滕获得...

in the Bundesliga match this weekend, Bayern 1-0 beat Hertha Berlin, basically determined the Bundesliga champions this season. In the post game "photo" score, Zhongwei Bayern Boateng and goalkeeper Neuer are the highest of the 2 points. Game Bayern attack mediocre, Neuer key single pole, the teenager wetzell wonderful break assists, piggy score. In the post match "photo" score, Neuer and Boateng were...