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Facebook 再挖掘用户数据,找到站外广告新盈利点

Facebook user data mining, find new profit point of

2014-09-29 18:06:15来源: Tech2IPO

Facebook 去年从微软手里收购了一个广告平台 Atlas,但由于 Facebook 自己的广告平台一直非常受广告主欢迎,且自己对于站外广告的业务也不太熟,一直没有充分利用起 Atlas 来。 最近,Facebook 在广告业务上面的最新进展开始不断出现。根据包括 Facebook...

Facebook station ad last year from Microsoft bought a Atlas ad platform, but because of Facebook's own advertising platform has been very popular with advertisers welcome, and for their station ad business is also not too familiar, has not fully utilized to Atlas. Recently, Facebook began to appear in the latest progress of advertising business of the above. According to include Facebook...