新关注 > 信息聚合 > 霍建华张韶涵许绍洋《海豚湾恋人》主演命运大不同


Wallace Angela Ambrose Hsu "Dolphin Bay" starring Destiny big difference

2016-07-26 15:16:38来源: 国际在线

腾讯娱乐讯 本周末霍建华和林心如就将在巴厘岛幸福大婚,不少人对于霍建华最初的记忆源自《海豚湾恋人》,在这部当年红遍两岸的剧中霍建华扮演帅气的男二钟晓刚。张韶涵、许绍洋、霍建华俊男靓女的搭配,加上几首悦耳的配乐更是为《海豚湾恋人》加分不少。13年的时光转眼而过,剧中的演员们现在的处境却是天...

LOS ANGELES This weekend Wallace and Ruby will be happy wedding in Bali, a lot of people for Wallace earliest memories from the "Dolphin Bay", the two sides in this year's popular drama Wallace played handsome men and two Zhong Xiaogang . Angela Chang, Ambrose Hsu, Wallace mix of beautiful people, plus a few more first musical soundtrack for "Dolphin Bay" lot of extra points. 13 years of time gone by, the actors play the situation now it is the day ...