新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重庆:红色国庆育学子


Chongqing: red national education students

2015-10-03 10:38:05来源: 大河网

光明日报 重庆10月2日电(记者张国圣、李宏) 10月1日是国庆长假第一天,重庆市委教育工委、市教委组织近200名高校师生前往渣滓洞、白公馆等革命纪念地参观学习,开启国庆红色体验之旅。“红色国庆”参...

Guangming Daily Chongqing on October 2 Xinhua (Xinhua Zhang Sheng, Li), October 1st is the National Day holiday on the first day, Chongqing Municipal Education Committee, Municipal Education Commission organized nearly 200 teachers and students in Colleges and universities to Zhazi Dong, Bai Gongguan revolutionary memorial view learning and open national day trip to experience red. "Red National Day" reference...