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仓鼠萌萌哒 韩服《神佑》新坐骑宠物坐骑公布

"Blessed" hamster Meng Da hanbok new horse pet horse announced

2016-02-07 02:33:55来源: 17173

韩服《神佑》近日曝光了4个新的限定版宠物和坐骑,坐骑为雪豹和铁公鸡,而小飞龙和仓鼠则宠物。 韩服《神佑》在1月27日开始了公测,当时杀进了韩国网吧排行的第8名,31日,以3%的占有率提升为第4,位居MMORPG类第一。该作的最高同时在线约为9万左右。

Hanbok "God bless" recently exposed four new limited edition pets and mounts, mounts for snow leopard and miser, and small dragon and hamster is pet. Hanbok "God bless" on January 27 began beta, then rounded out the 8th place in South Korea ranked the Internet cafes, 31, to 3% of the share of promotion is the 4, ranking first MMORPG category. The maximum of the work is about 90 thousand at the same time.