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冯绍峰曾怀疑自己不适合当演员 因不服输坚持

William Feng has doubted no actor before because emulative adhere to

2015-02-26 04:27:32来源: 中国新闻网

2011年之前,人们对冯绍峰的认知更多仅停留在风度翩翩的八阿哥。进军大银幕4年,冯绍峰用11部作品甩掉了偶像的影子。他最新的“身份”是到内蒙古插队的知青,陪伴在他身边的没有狄仁杰,也没有萧红,只有草原狼。 由让·雅克·阿诺执导,冯绍峰主演的《狼图腾》在羊年大年初一上映,截至今晨票房超...

2011 years, people's perception of William Feng more stay in only eight the elder brother graceful bearing. To the big screen for 4 years, William Feng with 11 works to get rid of the shadow of the idol. His latest "identity" is to go to Inner Mongolia to jump the queue educated youth, beside him is not Di Renjie, nor Xiao Hong, only the prairie wolf. Directed by Jean Jacques Arno, starring William Feng, "Wolf Totem" in the year of the Lunar New Year's day release, as of this morning the box office over...