新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孟非20岁女儿长相甜美想整容 孟非:想清楚,不拦你

孟非20岁女儿长相甜美想整容 孟非:想清楚,不拦你

Meng Fei looks sweet 20-year-old daughter wanted cosmetic Meng Fei: to think clearly, do not stop you

2016-04-06 12:57:05来源: 大众网

孟非女儿近照(1 /10张) 孟非女儿近照 人民网北京4月6日电 (艾雯) 近日有网友曝光孟非女儿近照,现在国外念大学的小苹果长相清丽可人,和奶茶妹妹就读同一高中。节目中孟非曾自曝女儿想整容的往事:“我女儿二十岁,长得很普通,她曾经问我‘老爸,我要去整容,你愿不愿意给我钱?’我说‘我...

Meng Fei daughter photograph (1/10) Meng Fei daughter photograph PRC Beijing April 6 electricity (Ai Wen) Recently, there are users exposed photograph Meng Fei daughter, now in college abroad applet looks elegant, pleasant, tea and sister attended the same high school. Program Meng Fei had to admit his daughter wanted cosmetic past: "My daughter is two years old, looked ordinary, she once asked me, 'Dad, I'm going to cosmetic surgery, you are willing to give me money?' I said, 'I ...