新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈红离婚因前夫恋上沈星 揭明星离婚的内幕(图)

陈红离婚因前夫恋上沈星 揭明星离婚的内幕(图)

Chen divorce due to ex husband love Shen Xing Jie celebrity divorce Insider (Figure)

2015-01-23 14:06:43来源: 东北网


recently, who broke the news for "often home to see" a famous song of female singer Chen and wealthy husband Li peace divorce, two people 2001 low-key after marriage, birth of a son, after the divorce GUI Chen raising, two people divorce no property disputes. It is said that as early as in 2011, Chen Hong and Li Jun on the division of property...