新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年南京房价收入比高于全国均值 偏离度排名第..

2015年南京房价收入比高于全国均值 偏离度排名第..

Nanjing 2015 price earnings ratio is higher than the national average deviation ranked first ..

2016-04-09 07:11:13来源: 中国新闻网

中新网南京4月8日电 (张传明 吴学礼)近日,一家研究机构公布了一份全国35个大中城市房价收入比偏离度排行榜。南京房价收入比为9.75高于纳入统计的全国35城均值,偏离合理值幅度为25%,在35个大中城市中排名第九。 该数据显示,深圳的房价收入比以偏离合理范围111个百分点高居首位,...

BEIJING, April 8 Nanjing Electric (chuanming Wu Xueli) Recently, a research institution published a national 35 cities the price earnings ratio deviation charts. Nanjing price earnings ratio of 9.75 higher than the national 35 city included in the statistics mean deviation from the reasonable value of the amplitude of 25%, ranking ninth in the 35 large and medium cities. The data show that Shenzhen's price earnings ratio to deviate reasonable 111 points ranked first, ...