新关注 > 信息聚合 > 娜扎谈关微博评论:看心情,玻璃心阶段已过去


Na he talk GuanWei blog comment on: see mood, glass heart stage has in the past

2016-09-24 21:13:13来源: 中国青年网

娜扎 腾讯娱乐讯(文/胡梦莹)9月22日,世界著名浸入式戏剧《不眠之夜》(Sleep No More)上海版正式开票,将于今年12月14日在上海首演,古力娜扎到场造势。采访中,谈及如何释放压力,她表示自己玻璃心的阶段已经过去,未来要多拍戏靠作品说话。 继在纽约成功上演并驻演五年后...

Na firm tencent entertainment (word/Hu Mengying) on September 22, the world famous immersive drama "sleepless nights" (Sleep No More) Shanghai version officially make out an invoice, premiered in Shanghai in December 14, GuLiNa tied to be present. Interview, talking about how to release the pressure, she said her heart of glass phase is over, take sport by work to talk more in the future. Following the success in New York and in play after five years...