新关注 > 信息聚合 > 博尔特考虑跑到2020 不学乔丹里约要跑进19秒

博尔特考虑跑到2020 不学乔丹里约要跑进19秒

Usain bolt consider Jordan Rio to 2020 don't run to run into 19 seconds

2016-01-26 16:52:59来源: 网易

网易体育1月26日报道: 2016里约奥运年,牙买加闪电博尔特的一举一动备受关注。近期博尔特因为伤势原因停训两周,但嘴上却没有闲着。此前博尔特曾多次强调,会在2017年伦敦世锦赛后退役,不过他要食...

January 26, netease sports coverage: 2016 Rio Olympic year, much attention has been paid to the movements of the Jamaican lightning bolt. Recent usain bolt for injury reason having two weeks, but no idle talk. Usain bolt has repeatedly stressed that will retire after the world championships in London in 2017, but he wants to eat...