新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华润置地和我爱我家等15家企业涉嫌不正当经营被查


China resources land and I love my family and so on 15 enterprises suspected improper operation were found out

2016-10-19 02:30:48来源: 搜狐

市住建委、市规土局依法查处房地产开发企业不正当经营行为 市住建委、市规土局今天表示,本市各相关部门正在按照住建部及本市相关文件要求,依法查处房地产开发企业不正当经营行为,进一步加强商品住房用地交...

GuiTuJu city councils, city real estate development enterprises of laws and regulations and unfair business practices city councils, city GuiTuJu said today that all relevant departments in the city are in accordance with requirements of the housing and the city related files, real estate development enterprises of laws and regulations and unfair business practices, to further strengthen commercial housing land to pay...