新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外管局否认对德银跨境股权交易设阻


Safe has denied to deutsche bank cross-border equity trading blocks

2016-09-30 11:15:06来源: 中国网

北京商报讯(记者 崔启斌程维妙)对于日前市场上流传的“德意志银行欲出售华夏银行股份所得汇出境外,却遭外汇局阻拦”的消息,外管局相关负责人昨日回应称,这一消息与事实不符。 该负责人表示,此业务在外汇管理方面不存在政策障碍。按照现行外汇管理规定,境外机构转让其在境内机构的股份,可直接在银...

Beijing commercial daily news (reporter Cui Qibin chengwei) for circulating on the market before the "deutsche bank to sell proceeds remitted abroad, huaxia bank shares have been safe to stop", the news of the relevant person in charge of safe yesterday responded that this news with the facts. This chief says, this business does not exist in the foreign exchange management policy barriers. According to the current foreign exchange regulations, foreign institutional transfer of domestic entities in China of the bank's shares, can be directly in silver...