新关注 > 信息聚合 > 驴友们的福音 能净化饮用水的“臭氧笔”

驴友们的福音 能净化饮用水的“臭氧笔”

The Gospel of travelers Ozone can purify drinking water "pen"

2016-10-20 10:05:54来源: 中关村在线

据外媒报道,来自美国威斯康星州的Roving Blue公司在Overland Expo East展会上,展示了一支能净化饮用水的臭氧“钢笔”——O-Pen。这支神奇的“钢笔”利用臭氧消灭细菌、原生动...

, according to foreign media reports from the American state of Wisconsin Roving Blue company in Overland Expo East exhibition that shows a ozone can purify drinking water "Pen" - O - Pen. The magic of "pen" using ozone destroy bacteria, the vivid...