新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强冷空气携7级阵风来袭 武汉市低温降至8℃

强冷空气携7级阵风来袭 武汉市低温降至8℃

Strong cold air with magnitude 7 wind hits Low temperature dropped to 8 ℃ in wuhan city

2016-10-28 10:04:11来源: 荆楚网

本报讯(记者章鸽 通讯员杨雪晴) 本该秋高气爽的季节,却受到强冷空气携7级阵风袭击。据天气预报,今晚开始,我市最低气温滑落到10℃以下,阴雨将是周末天气的主题。 昨天开始的阴雨和降温,是一股强大的...

Report from our correspondent (reporter zhang pigeon correspondent Yang Xueqing) should be the season of autumn, but strong cold air with magnitude 7 wind attacks. According to the weather forecast, begin tonight, the lowest temperature in zhuhai fell below 10 ℃, rain will be the theme of weather over the weekend. Yesterday began to rain and cool, it is a powerful...