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羽毛球3v3郑州站落幕 邱子涵助阵

Badminton 3 v3 zhengzhou station Qiu Zihan Liz,

2016-07-23 03:58:55来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 7月17日,于千羽东区球馆举办的2016年李永波杯3v3比赛郑州站比赛圆满落下帷幕。主办方李宁公司不仅为球迷举办了一场嘉年华般的羽毛球赛事,还特邀世界冠军邱子瀚做客,为当地球迷提供了一睹...

Sina sports news on July 17, in 2016 thousand feather east venue li yongbo cup 3 v3 zhengzhou station game successfully. Organizers of the li ning company not only for fans held a carnival badminton tournament, also invited the world champion Qiu Zihan guest, provides a glimpse of the local fans...