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Yan Fu Garden a pro neighborhood: a "dumpling match" closer to love the neighborhood

2017-01-08 19:51:52来源: 青岛网络电视台

文/图半岛记者肖玲玲报道 半岛都市报1月7日讯八大湖街道延福花园小区市南实验幼儿园1月7日热闹非凡,原来这里正在举办“延福邻里一家亲,四世同堂迎新春活动”。说起过年,自然少不了吃饺子,这不,40...

Text / reporter Xiao Lingling reported the peninsula Peninsula Metropolis Daily News in January 7th Eight Great Lakes Garden District, South Street of Yanfu Experimental Kindergarten in January 7th was bustling, here is the original "Yan Fu held a pro neighborhood, Sishitongtang Spring Festival activities". Speaking of the new year, naturally, eat dumplings, this is not, 40...