新关注 > 信息聚合 > 消费者注重这点 外观对新iPhone很重要

消费者注重这点 外观对新iPhone很重要

Consumers pay attention to this appearance is very important for the new iPhone

2017-08-13 14:35:27来源: 网易新闻

在iPhone刚刚面世的那个时代,如果你想要获得一部非常现代的智能手机,其实是没有什么选择的。那时候,黑莓依然很强势,而且Windows Mobile看起来也正在不断进步,不过,如果你想体验移动的未...

The iPhone has just come out of that era, if you want to get a very, very modern smartphones, is have no choice. At that time, the blackberry is still very strong, and Windows Mobile look is also constant progress, however, if you want to experience the Mobile is not...